Swamiji transmitted his power to Charu Babu and asked him to devote his energies particularly for this kind of service. He told us many a time, "You should think that even a pice of the poor public is a drop of your blood. How can you relieve the poor with relief societies? Do not march in false colours. Name it Shri Ramakrishna Home of Service and give it to the Mission for its complete management." We did the same. Thus the Sevashrama was established.
- Swami Sadashivananda
Appeal written by Swami Vivekananda
Dear -
We beg your acceptance of the past year's Report of the Ramakrishna Home of Service, Benares, embodying a short statement of our humble efforts towards the amelioration, however little, of the miserable state in to which a good many of our fellow-beings, generally old men and women, are cast in this city.
In these days of intellectual awakening and steadily asserting public opinion, the holy places of the Hindu, their condition, and method of work, have not escaped the keen eye of criticism; and this city, being the holy of holies to all Hindu, has not failed to attract its full share of censure.
In other sacred places people go to purify themselves from sin, and their connection with these places is casual, and of a few days' duration. In this, the most ancient and living centre of Aryan religious activity, there come men and women, and as a rule, old and decrepit, waiting to pass unto Eternal Freedom, through the greatest of all sanctifications, death under the shadow of the temple of the Lord of the Universe.
And then there are those who have renounced everything for the good of the world, and have for ever lost the helping hands of their own flesh and blood, and childhood's associations.
They too are overtaken by the common lot of humanity, physical evil in the form of disease.
It may be true that some blame attaches to the management of the place. It may be true the priests deserve a good part of the sweeping criticism generally heaped upon them; yet we must not forget the great truth - like people, like priests. If the people stand by with folded hands and watch the swift current of misery rushing past their doors, dragging men, women and children, the Sannyasin and the householder, into one common whirlpool of helpless suffering, and make not the least effort to save any from the current, only waxing eloquent at the misdoings of the priests of the holy places, not one particle of suffering can ever be lessened, not one ever be helped.
Do we want to keep up the faith of our forefathers in the efficacy of Eternal City of Shiva towards salvation?
If we do, we ought to be glad to see the numbers of those increase from year to year who come here to die.
And blessed be the name of the Lord that the poor have this eager desire for salvation, the same as ever.
The poor who come here to die have voluntarily cut themselves of from any help they could have received in the places of their birth, and when disease overtakes them, their condition we leave to your imagination and to your conscience as a Hindu, to feel and to rectify.
Brother, does it not make you pause and think of the marvellous attraction of this wonderful place of preparation for final rest? Does if not strike you with a mysterious sense of awe - this age-old and never-ending streams of pilgrims marching to salvation through death?
If it does, - come and lend us a helping hand.
Never mind if your contribution is only a mite, your help only a little; blades of grass united in to a rope will hold in confinement the maddest of elephants, - says the old proverb.
Ever yours in the Lord in the universe, - Vivekananda